Tuesday 18 November 2014


Since the start of this program I have learnt many important things that I would have easily forgotten. Such as my own level in the Taylor's Graduate Capability (TGC), my personality test, my current and future goals and my hybrid learning style. By comparing with the TGC with my own current level, I have found that I have a long way to go before coming out as a TGC criteria graduate. But it didn't stop me rather encouraged me to keep moving forward.

In my personality test I've found that I'm an introvert(which is true), calm and relaxed in most peril situation, a little bit agreeable, right in between disorganized and conscientious and a close minded person(not sure about that). With the data I have I can determine my strength and weakness that i can improve to make a better me out of myself. I can also adapt to situation according to the surrounding.

In addition to that, I have reconsidered and change my goals to fit to the current situation by using S.M.A.R.T. goals. Whatever dreams I had since a child are not forgotten but rather reshaped and rethink after thoroughly seeing my dreams and its potential to be my reality. But I never ran away from the idea to have a happy life.

Finally, I also found that I had my own learning style which was a mix of auditory and kinesthetic. This is the most effective and easiest learning style for me because I was the type that doesn"t have a 100% concentration what the lecturer would show but rather listen to him in playback audio and visualising the concept while doing some additional exercises.

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