Tuesday 18 November 2014



  • Good at maths
  • Open minded
  • Relaxed and Calm
  • Deep Thinker
  • Could do the job if put effort
  • Disciplined
  • Reliable
  • Independent 
  • Mature
  • Lazy
  • Procrastination of extreme level
  • To much playing games
  • Supporting Parents
  • Reliable and Helpful Friends
  • Caring Teachers
  • Good Surrounding
  • Lazy getting the better of me
  • Laid back attitude
  • Myself


Since the start of this program I have learnt many important things that I would have easily forgotten. Such as my own level in the Taylor's Graduate Capability (TGC), my personality test, my current and future goals and my hybrid learning style. By comparing with the TGC with my own current level, I have found that I have a long way to go before coming out as a TGC criteria graduate. But it didn't stop me rather encouraged me to keep moving forward.

In my personality test I've found that I'm an introvert(which is true), calm and relaxed in most peril situation, a little bit agreeable, right in between disorganized and conscientious and a close minded person(not sure about that). With the data I have I can determine my strength and weakness that i can improve to make a better me out of myself. I can also adapt to situation according to the surrounding.

In addition to that, I have reconsidered and change my goals to fit to the current situation by using S.M.A.R.T. goals. Whatever dreams I had since a child are not forgotten but rather reshaped and rethink after thoroughly seeing my dreams and its potential to be my reality. But I never ran away from the idea to have a happy life.

Finally, I also found that I had my own learning style which was a mix of auditory and kinesthetic. This is the most effective and easiest learning style for me because I was the type that doesn"t have a 100% concentration what the lecturer would show but rather listen to him in playback audio and visualising the concept while doing some additional exercises.

VAK Learning

I'm more of a hybrid between combination between Auditory and Kinesthetic way of learning. I learn best through lectures and discussion. As such as Physics when trying to understand the subject I would try to interpret what my lecturer says and then try to imagine and I would occasionally watch the show me videos and recap the lecture. However when it comes to Math or Further Maths than Kinesthetic is my way of learning. Practice makes perfect, that's why I do a lot of exercises for those two subject.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Specific: What do I want to achieve? To be able to get a well paid job and be happy with my life
Measurable : What have I done so far? Graduated with good grades from high school and now in college
Achievable: What can I do more? Ace my A levels and enter a good university
Relevant: What can I achieve with this? To get a well paid job and be able to do what I want with my life
Time-bound: How long will it take to make this come true? Around 6-7 years and I'm already happy with my life

Personality Test

The Test

Taylor's Graduate Competence

The teaching and learning approach at Taylor‟s University is focused on developing the Taylor‟s Graduate
Capabilities (TGC) in its students; capabilities that encompass the knowledge, cognitive capabilities and soft
skills of our graduates. The TGC gives students the edge to start and stay ahead. The graduate capabilities are designed to ensure that Taylor‟s graduates are proficient and skilled in the following areas:
(https://portals.taylors.edu.my/bpmapp-upload/download/fstore/0a6349170e5e237b_-208a20b4_14486a40183_-3f77?fileKey=/fstore/0a6349170e5e237b_-208a20b4_14486a40183_-3f77/2014%20Student%20Handbook%20as%20at%20December%202013_Final.pdf) (page 83)
First is the discipline specific knowledge. I'm able to put use of what I learn in theory in practice. I can also understand the ethical issue in my context of study such as applying formulas of maths at the right question.What I have not yet done is understanding the practical use of  the field of study in professional use since I haven't got the chance yet.

Second in TGC is lifelong learning. I always study independently and able to utilise the data and information I gain in the correct way. Being intellectually engaged is a must in going through the daily challenges.

Furthermore in the TGC is thinking and problem solving skills.I am able to think critically but some times not creatively. I should work on more to build my creative side. I can  also analyse the problem ahead in deep thought and come with a reasonable solution.

Moreover, communication is one of the important in TGC. To be honest I actually feel that I'm preety bad at this. Besides casual talk, I cant actually put use of it to my advantage. Some times I find myself hard to communicate with others.  This is one of many weakness that I have to overcome to achieve what I want in the futute.

 However when given a task or assignment, my interpersonal skills starts coming out. Despite the lack of communication due to unknown cause, when given a responsibility I will take it seriously and my leadership skill starts to shine.  

For my intrapersonal skills, I can manage my self and become self reliant. I can be cautious of my learning and action I take. While I haven't fully being embodied with Taylor's core values I'll try to do my best.

In the last two of TGC, my "citizenship and global perspective" is to undesrtand the current situation of the world and its communities. To be able to use my knowledge to make this world a better place to live.
And my digital literacy, well if I can make a blog need I say more

My own history

My full name is Muhammad Shafri bin Sadhik Batcha. Born 9/9/1996, which makes me 18 as of 2014. Currently studying A levels at Taylor's college sj. Nothing much to say, I'm just a common man. I also like to play on PC any good game that comes by. Have a loving family. Well that's all there is for now.